free security consultation
Learn the warrior mindset to everyday combat and urban safety
Aaron kennedy has a background in martial Arts. MUGENDO KickBoxing being his main focus.
Founded by Master Meiji Suzuki.
He has trained in many disciplines. Traditional Karate, Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Wing Chun, Kung Fu.
During this time he studied, instructed and competed in Ireland in full contact environments.
Aaron trained for the best part of 12 years under the instruction of Charlie Tierney in his hometown in Co.wicklow . Ireland.
He Graded in all his belts including his Black Belts with 7th Dan Eamon Quigley who established a high standard within Aaron for martial arts.
Eamon to this day is Aaron's mentor constantly inspiring his focus.
Having gained titles several times including : Regional, Eastern and National Champion in Kickboxing.
Aaron began giving Kickboxing and self defense classes. This developed to specific areas of interest.
Self Defense, Security and Personal Protection.
ENGAGE seminars helps establish a GO focus and preparation for incidents close up or otherwise.
These can be structured for private and group settings and range from one hour to full day programs.
*Candidates will be exposed to resources and products which are vital as E.D.C ( Everyday carry) for your preparation and protection.
* Close Quarters combat * Proactive Defense *Situational Awareness *Home and Personal Security & more...
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"This is to testify that Aaron Kennedy was a student of mine for many years.
I can honestly say that he was one of my best students and fighters.
He worked and trained very hard and completed his belt examinations and became a teacher.
I wish Aaron the very best in his future endeavours".
He will make a great "SENSEI"
Eamon Quigley 7th Dan Black Belt - Instructor -Irish Kickboxing Champion-WAKO Grading Official